Thursday, 24 September 2015

Term 3 Learning Goal

For term 3 we had to get ourselves new goals for reading,writing and maths.Our maths asttle sheet results had what we needed to work on in numeracy,this told me that the the best maths goal was "convert standard form to ordinary form and vice versa".
Writing was a bit different because there were two goals we got told to choose,one for our punctuation groups and another for the other six writing parts.These consist of ideas,vocab,sentence structure,structure and language,spelling,and organisation.The goals I set for myself were advanced punctuation and vocabulary.
The reading goals were extremely important because they would put us into our term 3 groups,but all of the groups were chosen by the teachers so we weren't all with only our friends.
These would all help with making me smarter for high school.

Term 3 Reflection

For the third term of my final year at oaklands a lot happened that was enjoyable the most of the year 7/8s, and here are three of the highlights.
One of the three was my participation in the yearly Korou Games Competition for all canterbury 7/8s.My second highlight is performing at the school open night in the kapa haka group.The final one is starting my favourite section of maths which is geometry.Of course there are things that i should also improve on for next term.
The first is finishing my writing on time and not needing to do it at home,second being SDL also on time, and the final one is completing my blog posts for once.These are the only things that i need to work on in the learning section of class but hopfully i can improve before next term starts.

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Reading For Week 11 Term 2

This week there hasn't been any reading,instead there has been end of term stuff to finish off.But at some times during the day at school and home I've had books by James Patterson to read for a competition in which you have to read all thirteen of his books before the end of July.So far I have read seven of his books in the last month so i think i have a good chance of completing this task before the time ends.I'm currently reading the book in his series Middle School called Get Me out Of Here.Although it may sound hard that I have to read that many books,it isn't because they are shorter than most other chapter books from the senior fiction part of the library.

Room 26 Learner Licences

In room 26 Mr brown recently introduced a new part of the classroom called learner licences. They are a way of rewarding the students who are working extremely well with freedom of where they learn and for the distracted ones,taking away the ability to work where they want.The stages the licences go from are the standard Independent which isn't any different from before,the Regulated is when the teacher can move you if you're getting distracted,Teacher is when you always need to stay with the teacher and Mobile is when you're completely free to go anywhere with your learning.
I've been lucky enough to have only gone to Regulated twice in the last three weeks so i haven't had many problems with the licences,but some people have gone as far as both mobile and teacher.
Overall i think that the idea for this was a great one and that the class is becoming a better place to learn.

Careers For Week 11 Term 2

For careers this week our main goal was to complete our boards and have all the information put on them correctly.This was hard because we weren't able to write on the pieces of paper at school because of time issues.It was even more difficult for some people in the class because they still had to publish their careers writing explanation and research.Overall the only hard part of it was having to do it at home,but this didn't even take that long.

Friday, 19 June 2015

Week 9 Term 2 Maths

For this weeks maths it was a start for a ton of learning.The start of the week consisted of choosing what goals we wanted to learn,this got us put into separate groups each with a different learning goal.The group I got put into was one with the goal of understanding trigonometry and the pythagoras theory(although currently only pythagoras. After a quick teacher session we were sent to complete book work alongside our other SDL.
There were also 2 simple basic facts sheets to do in our own time but they didn't really matter.

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Term 2 Week 9 Reading

For this weeks reading most was just the same as usual,the only difference being two assessment sheets to do.The book task was story called Spaceships And Aliens. It was about a kid who is sick from school and while he's at home,he makes an amazing painting of a few aliens on their spaceship flying through the sky.
For must dos we answered the questions for a glow in the dark skiing article on dogonews called Afterglow.Then after that there was an adjectives activity to do off the google drive into our books.
The unusual thing for this weeks reading was that instead of the usual teacher group learning,there were two assessment sheets for us to do.There was a story on it as well as around seven questions on the back.
Overall the weekly reading was easy but it was only part of the SDL :-(